Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Alright, seriously, tell me he's not adorable.

Alright, first of all, give me some credit. I resisted the pull of American Idol for seven years. But sometimes one clicks on the television and sees something so adorable that one just has to watch.

What is that something, you ask? That something, dear readers, is Danny Noriega.

Come on, seriously. Seriously! The kid's adorable! I mean...look at the hair! It's so...flippy! He's like...emo schoolgirl meets j-rock!

What? You want to know if he sings? Uh...yeah, I guess. Maybe. :P I'm just kidding, he's actually pretty good. He has a pretty manly voice for such a...ah...well, I'll be blunt, girly looking kid. But it's nice. It's got this sort of soothing baritone quality to it. Shelly approves.

Also, is it me, or is Idol like...way gay this season? I mean, Simon's used the word "fabulous" like six times in the last two episodes, and I'm about ninety percent sure that he's hit on like four male contestants. And Ryan, but that's a given.

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