Thursday, February 7, 2008

In relation to the previous post

As mentioned, I've joined a gym. Yes, yes, I know--"good for you, Shelly! finally taking control of that weight problem! etc etc". Of course, what they don't tell you in the "joining the gym" manual is that it's actually quite difficult to motivate oneself into actually going to said gym.

But then, my friends, there's Queer as Folk. And that's the best damn motivation ever.

Allow me to explain. There's this one episode of QAF where Brian is training for a bike-a-thon by working on an exercise bike at like 2.00a.m. Justin comes in, tries to talk Brian out of the race, Brian refuses. Justin unbuttons his shirt and lifts himself onto the handlebars of Brian's bike. Brian's like "?" and Justin gives him this little smirk and says "I hear it's easier to go when you can visualise your goal" and he leans down and kisses him and Brian gives this little groan and pedals a little faster and it's guh.

Why don't gorgeous men/women in unbuttoned garments kiss me over my exercise machines? I mean, fuck. I'd lose weight like no one's business.

That's all.

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