Friday, January 25, 2008

The Project Runway Season 4 Drinking Game

The Project Runway Season 4 Drinking Game

Obviously this can be played with soda instead of alcohol for us minors. Someone mentioned it awhile back and I thought I’d come up with one. Enjoy!

Take a sip when…

- Tim Gunn says “Make it work!”, “Carry on!”, or “Designers!”
- Jillian runs out of time.
- Ricky cries.
- Christian bitches at the other designers.
- Elisa says something ridiculous.
- Heidi yells.
- Nina Garcia is way bitchier than she needs to be.
- Someone steals someone else’s model.
- People talk about their home lives.
o Take an extra sip if they whine about something from aforementioned home lives.
- Kit’s hairstyle is more insane than Christian’s.
- Sweet P swears.
- There is some kind of blatant product placement.
o Take an extra sip if it’s not TRESemmé.
- Victorya is passive-aggressive about something.
- Someone is shirtless.
o Take an extra sip if it’s someone you absolutely didn’t want to see shirtless. (Ricky.)
- Jack does something to reiterate how nice he is.
o Rami bitches about it.
- The eliminated designer’s exit interview is so many levels of scripted it’s not even funny.
o Take an extra sip if they mention their “future in designing”.
- In their garments:
o Ricky makes a baby-doll.
o Rami drapes.
o Christian makes some kind of jacket with puffy sleeves.
o Chris’s outfit screams “OMG COSTUME!”
o Sweet P’s outfit could be awesome, but something’s just off. The something will vary, but it’ll be there.
o Carmen’s outfit is a train wreck.
o Elisa makes us wonder what the hell she was thinking.

Take a gulp when…

- Rami reminds us that he’s from Israel.
- Kevin reminds us that he’s straight.
- Chris reminds us that he was eliminated.
- Ricky reminds us (intentionally or otherwise) that he sucks.
- Victorya makes her sour face. You know the one.
- Christian is shown flat-ironing his hair.
- Someone sings.
- Someone says “fierce!”
o Take an extra sip if it’s not Christian.
- Christian wants to “throw up” or “die”.
- Michael Kors says “hoochie mama”.
- Someone refers to a past/eliminated contestant.
- Someone carries Christian.
- Someone wants to kill Christian.
o Take an extra sip if it’s not Kevin.
- Sweet P is remarkably butcher than any of the men.
- There’s a team challenge.
o Take an extra sip if the designers start bitching about their teams within ten minutes of getting them.
o Take an extra sip if there’s an argument over who gets to be team leader.
- The designers are shown in their pajamas.
o Take an extra sip if they’re getting ready in the bathroom.
o Take an extra gulp if Christian is doing something other than flat-ironing his hair. I swear to God there’s a clip where he’s actually shaving.
- Rami acts way manlier than he is.
- Someone other than Ricky cries.
o Take an extra sip if it’s Rami or Kevin.
- Someone’s garment “worries” Tim.
- The models aren’t used at all.
- The clients/models turn out to be “normal” people.
o Take an extra sip if one designer is clearly at a blatant disadvantage because of their client/model.
- There’s an interaction between two designers that makes you wonder if they’re sleeping together.
o Take an extra sip if these two designers are not both men.
- The designers blatantly drop names about the big designers they’ve worked with.
- Someone makes fun of Christian’s age.
o Take an extra sip if it’s not Chris.

Finish your drink if…

- Ricky doesn’t cry for an entire episode.
- Christian does something nice.
- Steven imitates Tim Gunn.
o Take an extra sip just to toast Santino, because no one will ever be a better Tim Gunn impersonator than Santino. Word up, man.
- There’s flirting.
o Take an extra sip if it’s straight flirting.
- Nina says something nice about someone’s outfit.
- Christian wears boots without heels.
- Ricky puts on stilettos or high heels of any kind.
o Take an extra sip if he’s wearing them with capris or trying on the garment he’s actually making.
- All three judges say something nice about Ricky’s garment.
- “Tim is waiting to take you on a field trip!”
o Take an extra sip if this statement is met with a chorus of groans and the obligatory “I wanted to throw up” from Christian.
- The designers have to work with some ridiculous material.
o Take an extra sip if no one is actually surprised.
- Christian shows an emotion other than “bitch”.
- Christian does his “diva/runway” walk.
- A designer copies (inadvertently or otherwise) a design from a previous season.
o Take an extra sip if the judges don’t pick up on it.
- Ricky is in the “highest score” group.
o Take an extra sip if his dress is not a baby-doll.
- The gay Levi’s commercial is shown.
Read more! Read more!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I'm not feeling well.

It's not so much that I feel sick--I mean, I do, but that's not the real issue. I just feel...exhausted. Like, exhausted to the point where everything just hurts. It's not a good feeling, I'll be honest.

Ugh. Tea and sleep are called for, but exams are this week and so studying comes first. Unfortunately.

Ah, timing. Read more! Read more!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Single Again

Sometimes things just don't work out. And that's okay.

I'm honestly not as broken up (pun completely unintended, I swear) about this as I thought we'd be. Yeah, we were good together, but I got busy and he got distant and neither of us had the time or patience to nurture a relationship that wasn't going anywhere.

I'm still going to pester him to stop drinking and making stupid decisions, though. :)

But to be honest, it's probably for the best. I have enough on my plate without trying to salvage a relationship, and I'm enough of a woman to admit that this breakup is half my fault. I'll move on. As usual. Read more! Read more!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

RIP Heath Ledger

So, Heath Ledger is dead.

He was 28. Police found him dead in his apartment. Right now the cause of death is rumored to be an accidental drug overdose.

It's weird. Death is one of those things that definitely hits harder when it's unexpected. Usually when there's a death in Hollywood, it's an overblown drug overdose or a crazy murder or an old-timer actor dying in his sleep. Ledger was one of those actors that stayed mostly on the clean side of the tracks, and for him to suddenly die is...weird.

I'm actually kind of stunned. I wasn't a huge fan or anything (though Brokeback Mountain was, as we know, love) but it's still kind of shocking for such a young, talented actor to suddenly just be...gone. I actually triple-checked my information to make sure it wasn't a hoax of some kind--it's happened before. But it certainly seems to be true.

Ledger, from what works of his I've seen, was a very talented, varied actor. His role in Brokeback will definitely be something he's remembered for, as it was such a daring performance. Hollywood will definitely feel his loss. My thoughts and prayers honestly go out to his friends and family, especially his little girl.

RIP. Read more! Read more!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Light Reading

Religion, I've found, can sometimes be nasty.

People tend to take it upon themselves to inform others that their beliefs are wrong, and then describe, in somewhat unnecessary detail, exactly which of their beliefs are incorrect. And most of these people haven't actually read the Bible--the Old Testament, the New Testament, or any of the add-ons--and only know those few verses that allow people to discriminate and blame it on God.

So, in an effort to make sure I actually know what I'm saying, I'm reading the Tanakh. Torah, Prophets, Psalms, Proverbs, Chronicles, etc etc. I'm sure most wouldn't consider it enjoyable reading, but I tend to be a bit eccentric in my choices of literature.

Knowledge is power in things like religion. In order to be truly religious, one needs to at least try to understand. Reciting prayers is habit and believing what you've been taught to believe is habit, not faith. I want to know exactly what I'm professing to believe in; I want to know what my faith says about things in context, not just sound bites taken to condone or condemn a certain issue.

Also, right-wing Evangelicals tend to annoy me, and I like to know exactly what I'm talking about so I can shoot them down. :P Read more! Read more!

Oh yes. I went there.

I've come to a conclusion.

I have an awful lot to say, and more often than not, I say it. Of course, the issue here is that even though I say it, it's usually to myself, silently or otherwise. And when I say things to myself, they continue to float around in my head until they're taken out in one way or another.

But, dear readers, a thing exists called the internet. It's delightful, really. One can say pretty much whatever one wishes, and--thanks to a delicious little thing called 'freedom of speech'--one can get away with it. Of course, people might not necessarily read what you write, but there's always that lucky blogger who earns a loyal following of thousands and ends up on Best Week Ever or Webjunk 40 or whatever other ridiculous reality show VH1 is premiering that week.

I digress. The fact of the matter is, here I am, on blogspot, doing what only seems appropriate: blogging. Maybe I'll be consistent. Maybe not. But really, in the scheme of things--who cares? It's a blog. I can do whatever I want.

The internet, I must stress, is a beautiful, beautiful thing. :) Read more! Read more!