Sunday, January 20, 2008

Oh yes. I went there.

I've come to a conclusion.

I have an awful lot to say, and more often than not, I say it. Of course, the issue here is that even though I say it, it's usually to myself, silently or otherwise. And when I say things to myself, they continue to float around in my head until they're taken out in one way or another.

But, dear readers, a thing exists called the internet. It's delightful, really. One can say pretty much whatever one wishes, and--thanks to a delicious little thing called 'freedom of speech'--one can get away with it. Of course, people might not necessarily read what you write, but there's always that lucky blogger who earns a loyal following of thousands and ends up on Best Week Ever or Webjunk 40 or whatever other ridiculous reality show VH1 is premiering that week.

I digress. The fact of the matter is, here I am, on blogspot, doing what only seems appropriate: blogging. Maybe I'll be consistent. Maybe not. But really, in the scheme of things--who cares? It's a blog. I can do whatever I want.

The internet, I must stress, is a beautiful, beautiful thing. :)

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