Wednesday, November 5, 2008

to everyone bitching about leaving the country...

Alright. So apparently a ton of bitchy people who are all pissed about my bb Barack winning are planning on leaving the country to go to either Canada or Europe.

Itty bitty problems with that plan, m'dears.

1. Canada is one of the only countries on the planet that is more liberal than the U.S. Free health care, higher taxes, gay marriage, the list goes on. So if you're scared of Obama's "socialist policies" (and, by the way, our government started employing "socialist policies" as soon as we developed the income tax and welfare), Canada is not the place to go.

2. Europe DOES NOT WANT YOU. Seriously. When people talk about how Europeans hate Americans, they're talking about YOU. European bbs, back me up on this, but I'm pretty sure that the Americans they don't like are the ones that are all for the wars and the guns and against the gays and the yays. I'm not saying Republicans, just...y'know, the crazy ones.

So that's that. And seriously, everyone talking about how Obama's a Muslim, or a terrorist, or a some research. He's a Christian, he's no more of a terrorist than Sarah Palin (and I'm pretty sure she's more of one), and figure out what socialism IS before you start pissing out about it, because it's working pretty damn well overseas.

Thanks for your time, kittens.

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