Saturday, November 29, 2008


Okay. Seriously.

Sometimes...sometimes there just aren't words.


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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

my mommy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your mommy


That is all.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

DONE, bitches.

50K down, 50K to go. :) Read more! Read more!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Now, kiddies, listen.

Everyone was very excited about the Obama election, myself included. This was a historical event and a huge triumph for young voters, who turned out in droves to elect the candidate who actually made us believe that there could be hope for this country.

That being said, while a huge step was taken forward for minorities, another giant leap was taken backwards by the passage of anti-gay legislation in Arizona, Arkansas, California, and Florida.

I really don't understand this--how America can come so far but still have so far to go. People who argue against gay rights because of the doesn't make sense to me. First of all for the obvious reason, that the laws of the Bible should not, under any circumstances, control the laws of our country. But mostly because, and I mean this sincerely, it's not fair to use the Bible to oppose gay rights.

I'm a fairly religious person. I've read the Bible cover-to-cover and trust me when I tell you it's an interesting read. But you can't use it to defend an anti-gay stance, not unless you're going to use it to protest divorce, shrimp, and polyester as well. You can't pick and choose the passages that suit your bigotry, that's not how it works. I don't know how to make this clear, and I know there's no way to really convince the sort of people who use that kind of reasoning, but seriously. The Bible says that the right to judgment lies with God and God alone, so if you're going to rely on a book to make your decisions, rely on it in a way that helps your fellow man, not in a way that hurts him.

Also, I kind of love Keith Olberman. For serious. Read more! Read more!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

to everyone bitching about leaving the country...

Alright. So apparently a ton of bitchy people who are all pissed about my bb Barack winning are planning on leaving the country to go to either Canada or Europe.

Itty bitty problems with that plan, m'dears.

1. Canada is one of the only countries on the planet that is more liberal than the U.S. Free health care, higher taxes, gay marriage, the list goes on. So if you're scared of Obama's "socialist policies" (and, by the way, our government started employing "socialist policies" as soon as we developed the income tax and welfare), Canada is not the place to go.

2. Europe DOES NOT WANT YOU. Seriously. When people talk about how Europeans hate Americans, they're talking about YOU. European bbs, back me up on this, but I'm pretty sure that the Americans they don't like are the ones that are all for the wars and the guns and against the gays and the yays. I'm not saying Republicans, just...y'know, the crazy ones.

So that's that. And seriously, everyone talking about how Obama's a Muslim, or a terrorist, or a some research. He's a Christian, he's no more of a terrorist than Sarah Palin (and I'm pretty sure she's more of one), and figure out what socialism IS before you start pissing out about it, because it's working pretty damn well overseas.

Thanks for your time, kittens.
xoxoxoxoxo Read more! Read more!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

and again, Obama.

Kittens, history was made tonight.

I realize this has been said over and over and over again, but it remains true.

For the first time in years, I'm proud to be American. For the last eight years, I've been continuously ashamed of the leadership of this country, of the bigotry and hate that became increasingly evident as issues such as gay rights came into the limelight.

In 2004, I caught a glimpse of what was possible when Massachusetts became the first state to legalize gay marriage. It was a really great moment, and I was truly proud of my state.

Over the past few months, watching the campaigns progress, I found myself being continuously disappointed in the way the presidential campaigns were being conducted. And while I may be biased, there is no denying that the Republican party was the one to take unnecessary stabs at Barack Obama's personal life--his birth, his religion, his middle name. I watched people act disgusted at the very idea of a Muslim man running for president, and I could only be disgusted at the show of ignorance showed by those people. Without even waiting to see if rumors about him were true (he's not actually Muslim, by the way, but it shouldn't matter) they seized onto the smallest idea they could use against him, because he was different. Even tonight, in the wake of victory, I found my own friends actually surprising me with really low, disgusting views. I am completely the last person who would discourage a person from having an opinion, but there is a way to express an opinion without sounding immature or foolish.

But overall, America made me proud tonight. We elected, in an overwhelming majority of electoral votes, a strong, honorable, inspiring man who will no doubt give our country the boost she needs to get back on her feet. I have no doubt that under the leadership of President (yes, President) Barack Obama, America will slowly regain the respect of the world that she has lost over the years.

Thank you, America. You made me proud tonight. Good night, and God bless.

And for the love of God, California, get your act together and defeat Prop 8. Seriously.

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Obama FTW.


Now elect him. Immediately. GO GO GO GO GO!!
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