Saturday, September 27, 2008

something to make things bearable...

So, watching last night's presidential debate, how should I put this gently...agonizing. I seriously can't listen to John McCain talk for very long. And honestly, I'm dreading listening to Palin talk on Thursday. But to make things a little easier to bear, I give you the 2008 Presidential Debate Drinking Game. (general edition...specific topics to follow :P)


-When the buzzwords “change” or “maverick” or “hope” are used

-When someone says “I voted for or against” or “He voted for or against”

-When McCain refers to Obama’s “inexperience”

-When McCain stammers and looks like he might have a heart attack

-When McCain somehow works in his personal story as a POW during Vietnam

-When McCain refers to the moderator as “my friend” or the audience as “my friends”

-When Obama somehow works in his personal story of being raised by a single mom and his grandparents

-When Obama makes a smirk, shakes his head, and says, “Now wait just a minute…” or “hold on there…”

-When Obama makes the case that McCain and Bush are one and the same or uses the phrase “more of the same”

-When Obama talks about “multi-tasking” or having to address more than one crisis at a time as president

-When anyone brings up “suspending the campaign”

-When either one lays claims to being “bipartisan” or working “across the aisle”

-It’s a Social when Sarah Palin is mentioned!

-Finish whatever you are drinking if McCain loses his temper!

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