Thursday, October 30, 2008

So, I saw High School Musical 3 last weekend. Yeah, yeah, I should be ashamed of myself, etc etc. Whatever. There were eight people in the theatre, six of them were with me, we squealed over every Lucas Grabeel moment in the damn was fun. I ADMIT IT!

Anyway, because recaps are apparently the new black, apparently I'm supposed to do a write-up of the movie. So...yeah. Here we go.

Things I liked:

- Ryan!

OMFG he was adorable! All bouncy and happy because he got to choreograph and dance with all the pretty boys all over the place and awwww. Also, Lucas Grabeel is definitely the most underrated vocalist in the cast. Everytime he opens his mouth to sing, I'm like "oh, hey, I forgot--you're ridiculously good at this!" The kid's got a belt on him like it ain't no one's business. That beginning note of "I Want It All" in the Spring Musical Medley? DAMN, boy!

- Kelsi.

Because every pretty gay boy needs a fag-hag, and Kelsi is Ryan's. And let's face it, she was kind of adorable, and I totally bought her and Ryan being BFF-dates for prom.

- Darbus.

Because she rocked in this movie. That's all.

- Chad and Troy version 2.0.

Need I say more? BB!Chad's little afro! *squee*

- "I Want It All"

This song was so many different levels of awesome it's not even FUNNY. I loved how Ryan just got steadily more and more into it, and again his awesome vocal skills. And Sharpay was one fierce bitch in this song.

Also, all the cameos from the rest of the cast. Fanboy!Troy and Officer!Chad are definitely my faves, with Taxi!Kelsi a close second. :P Hm...I wonder how Ryan got out of those speeding tickets from Officer Chad? *eyebrow wiggle*

- "The Boys are Back"

Because whenever I listen to it while walking down a street, I start walking in rhythm and I feel like a secret agent.

*looks around* What? Am I the only one?

- Troy's piece of shit car.

Because it amused me when the boys were pushing it toward the party and Chad just gave Troy this look like "fix this mother fucker or I will seriously hurt you".

- Ryan's bright pink pants.

And his knee-high boots. And his argyle vest. And his white tux. And his flowered pants. And...okay, actually, just Ryan's wardrobe in general.

- "Can I Have This Dance"

Just for the choreography, because it was really beautiful to watch, even if BBV can't sing worth shit. Also, my slasher's mind knows that Ryan totally taught Troy how to waltz like that. And then he taught Chad how to waltz. Naked.

- Ryan being gay with everyone.

Because...he really was. With everyone. Except for Chad, apparently, but they came out officially in HSM2 so I guess Disney figured they didn't need to hammer the point home. :P Maybe we'll get some more Chyan in the deleted scenes.

Things I Didn't Like:

- Troyella eating the entire fucking movie.

Yeah, I get it, they're the main couple. But the thing is, no one cares. GTFO my screen.

- The "plot".

Or lack thereof. Seriously, wtf was this movie about?

- Disney's lack of knowledge concerning scholarships.

And college acceptance, early acceptance programs, auditions, understudies...I can go on.

- Sharpay version 2.0

Because seriously. Sharpay >>>>>>>>> Tiara. Like whoa.

- Ryan's Vespa.

Seriously, Disney? A Vespa? He owns half of New Mexico, for Christ's sake! Give him a care that'll get him laid, not a fucking scooter!

- Blatant inconsistencies.

Because apparently Troy's piece of shit truck, that can't even make it from his house to Gabriella's, can drive 1,000+ miles to Stanford.

All in all, though, I kind of liked it. It amused me. BITE ME, bitches, I liked it.
Read more! Read more!

Hey Sarah Palin

...This...There are no words. Read more! Read more!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Okay, so, in other news, I'm the worst blogger ever, and yeah, you should all get over that. Because everyone should have better things to do than read about my meaningless ramblings. :P

But, in an attempt to get back into the swing of things before NaNoWriMo starts and I totally vanish from the face of the earth, you can expect the following before Friday:

-- a brief recap (what sucked, what didn't, ten points if you guess which has more on the list) of HSM 3

-- quick summary/outline of what's going on in November

-- if I can swing it from Susan, an update about the book, which is (tentatively) moving forward through the publishing process. Yay!

Alright, kittens, hang in there. Stay fierce.

Read more! Read more!

Friday, October 10, 2008

apologies and atonement

So as you know, this Thursday was the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Well, Holy Day, not so much holiday. Anyway, it's all about atoning for your sins, saying sorry, etc. etc.

I've always found this day to be very confusing. On the one hand, it's a great concept--you sin all year, say you're sorry, and get a clean slate for the new year. But the thing is, even though there's a part of the service where you say you'll do your best to improve and sin less, there's no consequence for NOT doing so. So I guess what I'm saying is, where's the motivation?

I don't know. I'm going to make an effort to be less of a douchebag, that much I know. But I wish there was some sort of underlying SOMETHING to make me WANT to be better, other than just the guilty conscience that comes with NOT being better. The whole honor system is good--I like that I'm a member of a religion where God trusts us enough to control our own lives. But still, I don't know if I trust us enough to control our own lives.

But I guess that's the whole thing in and of itself--God gave us the right to make our own decisions, and we have the responsibility to make those decisions.

But seriously--a little guidance couldn't hurt, right? Read more! Read more!